Sunday, February 18, 2007

Walking in my purpose

I'm feeling awfully blessed right now. Incredibly blessed. Undeservedly blessed. Outrageously blessed. Madly blessed!

Simply because I am feeling, for the first time, that I am truly walking in my purpose. Living the purpose that God designed me for.

God is opening doors and opportunities whereas I am being allowed to do the things that I know He has planted in me. I've been asked to do some workshops, trainings, and consulting. I know......I know.......people do these all of the time. So true! But I hope that if they do, they are doing so because they are called to do so. Not just for pay.

When one is called to do something, they will do so for the shear satisfaction of knowing that you're doing what you are purposed to do.

I am so thankful and outright grateful to God for what He is doing in my life. What a wonderful feeling of walking in my purpose!

Thank You Jesus!

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