Saturday, March 15, 2008

Black and White

You know what? I'm really getting sick and tired of all of the bickering, pettiness, and finger pointing that is going on in the Democratic political fight for the presidential nomination. It is so childish and elementary that I just wish that they would all just shut up and stick to the issues. There is too much tit for tat..........but I guess it all spells POLITICS (is there any wonder I've never been interested in politics before?)

This last attack against Obama really set ME off regarding his pastor's comments. Although I think that the pastor should have been more "careful" or "sensitive" in his remarks, simply because of his relationship, I think that once again, the "masses" are missing the entire point.

It is a BLACK AND WHITE issue!

barack 2

Pastor Wright's words may really have been strong and nerve shattering, but as a Black woman, I was not shocked or amazed by what he said. Reality is that we hear this type of talk in the Black community, from the pulpit, at the water cooler, in the kitchen, on the porch, in the car, on the corner, at Big Mama's house, in the barber shop, at the beauty salon.............WHERE EVER we is said, we hear it, and we know it!

My angst stems from the fact that White America are too afraid to say something that may upset us....the Black community.....about Obama (nobody wants to be called a racist). Yet, they want Barack Obama to denounce, defned, and speak for every statement made from other Blacks. He cannot control what people say! Nor does he represent an entire race of people. Should he have to defend every statement that, let's say, every Black preacher says regarding America, Whites, etc.?

I watched CNN last night where Pastor Wright's comments were the big topic. I watched as Anderson Cooper interviewed Obama regarding them. I watched the panel discussion. All in amazement, I might add. It was as though they couldn't believe that anyone would say anything negative about America. The fact remains that our Black experience in America is quite different from theirs. And regardless of how one may feel about Pastor Wright's comment, that is what he was saying!

It is reality for us. Yes, it is truly BLACK AND WHITE for us in many ways. That doesn't mean that we don't love our country. It means that we are still suffering from injustices in many ways.

Lest we forget that it was always the Black church and the preachers who spoke out against disenfranchisement and the wrongs that befell us. Had the church NOT spoken out, where would we be today?

Carla Y. Nix


Anonymous said...

But is it fair to hold in contempt and hatred white people forever??? Is it fair to blame them for every evil or harm that happens in our lives. Is it fair to damn America for all the problems in the world? God bless America. I am so proud and grateful to this country. And believe me, as a Latina I do know about racism and prejudism, but I do not blame the white people for my ills.

If this is what is being preached in every black church, then I prefer to go to my church. Sorry. You are not making a favor to any church that condones this behavior. Pastor Wright's message was of hate and division, something that our Lord Jesus Christ would not approve of. Pastor Wright makes me ill.

Carla Y. Nix said...

Dear Anonymous,

Actually, I am not advocating or condoning contempt or hatred. I never said that. I just pointed out what is. Didn't say that I agree with it.

It does exist and the reality that lives is that so many in non-white communities and groups have been hurt by the ills of the majority population. I am not same that, and I quote, we should "blame them for every evil or harm that happens in our lives."

We have definitely come a long way in this world. But, it has been a hard struggle and it's taken the voices of those who were, and are, bold enough, to speak out and against the injustice. Why has it been such a struggle? Why have we had to FIGHT for the simple and basic rights of all Americans?

Like you, I do not blame White people "for my ills". For, I am just naive and silly enough to believe that I can do and have whatever I want, just as my White counterparts. Yet, in 2008, even that isn't always possible. I still have to "earn" my way and "prove" myself in order to be "accepted" by White America.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am NOT saying that every single White person is narrow minded, racist, and against Blacks (and even you as a Latina). There truly are some decent and very good people out there. I know that for a fact and I am thankful that they exist. God has ALWAYS placed good people in our path in order to carry out the demonstration of love and peaceful ways that are His.

My point with Pastor Wright's comments was to simply say that there was some truth there (and I'm speaking about the snippets that I heard). Again, it may not have been the best thing for him to say because of his relationship (being Obama's pastor). But, that doesn't change the fact that racism, prejudice, and in many way's America's fear of change, is in existence.

Carla Y. Nix (never afraid to sign my name when I say something!)