Wednesday, May 21, 2008


August 29, 2008 will mark the third year anniversary date of Hurricane Katrina. As you all know, my family and I are Katrina survivors. You know that we lost all of our property, our jobs, our children's school, and our accustomed way of life in New Orleans. I thank God that He has delivered us, and restored us, elsewhere. We decided that we would not return to New Orleans to rebuild our lives there, however, the city will always be home for us. We grew up there. Our children were born and raised there. We love New Orleans. But, it has forever changed for us. Although I personally get home sick and I miss it, I do not regret not going back. That's a personal choice for my family and I. However, others have made their own personal choice to return and/or remain. I understand.

I return home periodically, and my last return was just a couple of months ago in March. Not much has changed. The pictures that I took on this return trip are very much the same as pictures I took only a month after the hurricane.

I ran across this short video documentary of survivors in the city, still trying to make it. I hope you take a moment to view it.

I ask that we all continue to pray for our people in New Orleans.


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