Thursday, May 08, 2008

Where was OUR government for US?

This is absolutely and strictly my opinion.......and I've been trying to hold my peace about it because I'm thinking that I'm just being unreasonable......or perhaps, still "shell shocked".

Here's my opinion. I think that it's admirable that our government is trying to help the recent victims of the cyclone that killed so many people. I am sorry and sad about the tragedy that has befallen that country. My prayers definitely are with the survivors and I have prayed for their recovery and rebuilding. But..... where was our very own government when Hurricane Katrina struck us here in the united states? Where was the urgency and quickness in distributing assistance? I lived that terrible tragedy and like so many others, was labeled a "refugee" in my own homeland............yet we (the government) now have at our disposal the availability of funding and resources to literally assist another country immediately. They dragged their feet in the wake of Katrina!

And it continues. Tornadoes are rumbling through many states here in America even up to today! Yet, on April 4th, near where I am now residing, there a string of tornadoes smashed through the city of Jackson, MS and destroyed 100's of homes, and damaged many more. Businesses have been damaged. Today, more than a month later, people have not received assistance. The federal government......the same government that is sending assistance to another country.........declined to assist US citizens once more. They decided not to help!!!!!

I don't know the details of other areas, but I am sure that American citizens across this country are not receiving any federal assistance for a disaster and tragedy that they have had no control over. But, we're fighting trying to send aid to another country who doesn't even want our help.

I guess I'm just venting. Don't get me wrong. I am not against helping others. In fact, I believe in it. But, I also believe in treating your own people right and remembering that charity begins at home!


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