Friday, July 29, 2005

Christmas in July!

This picture was taken on December 25, 2004. Yes, Christmas Day. Something quite fascinating happened. Something so rare that some had not even experienced it in their lifetime until Christmas 2004.

That's SNOW in New Orleans! Alright, stop laughing. I know that those of you in places such as New York, Detroit, Denver, and other cold climate places are saying that what's falling in the picture is not really snow. Well, this is what I've been told by some friends. They say that what's in the picture taken from my front door is only a "powder" or "dusting".

Hey, whatever rocks your boat, but I call it snow!!! A phenomon here in New Orleans. It was a pleasant treat on Christmas. The last time I recall a real snow here was in 1988. My older kids were babies! My youngest child wasn't even born yet!

Well, it is July and you may be wondering why I am talking about snow. It is because this snow fall, a Christmas miracle, reminds me of my life today. It is Christmas in July for me!

God has been blessing me in ways that I make me sit back and exclaim that I know without a doubt that it is only He who is bringing these things to pass.

I am seeing the hand of God in my life in ways that you wouldn't believe!

I am experiencing true love and joy and peace from Him. And although I do "think" too much at times, and try to "see" things for myself, it always ends up where I have to move myself out of the way so that I can see Him. Scripture tells us to stand still and know that He is God!

He has proven Himself over and over to me, and I praise and thank Him for it.

This is Christmas in July in my life right now. I'm not talking about tangible things, but the spiritual awakening that He is unfolding in me. The places that He is establishing me. The doors that He's opening for me.

To me this day, I say, Merry Christmas!

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