Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Thoughts on Life

My life is amazing. There is just so much going on and many times I feel that I just can't keep up. It's fast-paced. Always something going on (good, bad, indifferent). I truly know what it "waiting to exhale" means.

I often wonder when will I ever be able to just take a deep breath, relax, and live a "normal" life. What is normal? I frequently think that no one else can be living a life as crazy and hectic as mine. Nobody! I just want to relax and simply live. Most of my days are filled with trying to stay above water. Trying to make ends meet. Trying to figure out what bills will be paid; which ones won't! Thinking about how to stretch a dollar. How to make sure that everyone has what they need.

Is life supposed to be this chaotic?

When will it happen? When will I begin to make the money that I need to live a comfortable life? I don't strive to be rich; just comfortable.

Then, I have to sit back and realize that regardless of how hectic everything seems; no matter how difficult it is; no matter how many times I get tired of simply "thinking"; we are still blessed. My family is blessed! Things may not be as smooth as I would like, but God has always taken care of us.

This is what I need to focus on and remember that instead of griping and complaining, I ought to praising and thanking God!

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